Be cautious about opening unfamiliar emails or clicking on links during emergency situations. Report any suspicious online activities to IT ( or security personnel.
Emergency response information is provided in multiple languages to ensure comprehension. Communication methods and visual aids are used to facilitate understanding.
Stay patient and wait for stairwell congestion to ease. Do not use elevators, and follow instructions from emergency personnel. If you encounter a blocked route or exit, use an alternative route if available. Inform emergency personnel or your department's coordinator about the obstruction.
Opportunities to contribute to emergency response planning or volunteer during drills may be available. Express your interest to your department's emergency coordinator or designated contact.
Follow emergency procedures provided by the host location during your trip. Inform your supervisor or designated contact about your safety and location.
Take emergency response drills seriously and only activate alarm systems during actual emergencies. Misuse of emergency response procedures can divert resources from genuine emergencies.
Remote workers should follow emergency procedures appropriate for their location. Stay informed through communication channels specified in our remote work policy.
While personal devices can be helpful, prioritize following emergency procedures over using personal devices during evacuations. Focus on staying informed and assisting others.
Wait for official clearance from emergency personnel or designated authorities before re-entering the building. Follow instructions provided to ensure a safe return.
First aiders and medical personnel are trained to provide initial medical assistance during emergencies. They can assess injuries and provide basic medical care until professional help arrives.
In case of an emergency during a meeting, follow evacuation procedures as if you were working at your workstation. If attending a virtual meeting, follow emergency response instructions provided by the meeting host.
Emergency exits and evacuation routes are clearly marked with signs and illuminated pathways. Familiarize yourself with these routes and follow them during drills and emergencies.
Become familiar with evacuation routes and the locations of fire extinguishers and emergency equipment. Participate in evacuation drills and be prepared to help others if needed.
Notify your department's emergency coordinator about any medical conditions or mobility challenges. This information will help us ensure your safety and plan for accommodations.
Use the nearest exit and follow evacuation routes to the assembly area. Do not re-enter the building until authorized by emergency personnel.