Document: Security Awareness Standard

Posted on 20 August 2023 01:37 am View PDF Document

TSCTI's Security Awareness Standard is a comprehensive framework that outlines the guidelines, practices, and procedures an organization follows to educate its employees, contractors, and stakeholders about cybersecurity best practices and to promote a security-conscious culture. The goal of a Security Awareness Standard is to enhance the overall cybersecurity posture by raising awareness, educating individuals about potential threats, and encouraging safe and responsible online behaviors.

Security awareness transforms our minds into shields against cyber threats, promoting proactive defense. Armed with knowledge, individuals become sentinels guarding against social engineering, phishing, and other attacks. Security awareness extends to handling data responsibly, whether in digital or physical formats. This standard will undergo periodic reviews to ensure its continued effectiveness, with updates communicated to all relevant parties. By participating in the organization, individuals pledge to uphold the principles of the Security Awareness Standard.