Document: Data Breach Incident Management

Posted on 19 August 2023 10:29 pm View PDF Document

TSCTI Data Breach Incident Management Policy outlines the procedures and guidelines that an organization follows to effectively detect, respond to, and mitigate data breaches or cybersecurity incidents. This policy is crucial for protecting sensitive information, minimizing the impact of breaches, and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

This plan encompasses all aspects of data breach incidents within our organization, covering digital, physical, and personnel-related breaches. Swift and transparent response to breaches helps rebuild trust with stakeholders, demonstrating commitment to their data protection. The plan outlines the initiation process, designating key personnel responsible for activating and escalating the response. Transparent and timely communication with stakeholders, including customers, regulatory authorities, and the public, is defined. Thorough documentation and analysis of breach incidents contribute to refining the plan and enhancing future responses. By engaging with the organization's data and systems, individuals pledge to uphold the principles of the Data Breach Response Plan.